[gambit-list] Compiler internal error (variable conflict)

Christian christian at pflanze.mine.nu
Mon Dec 26 04:54:00 EST 2005


With Beta 15 I'm seeing "Compiler internal error .. variable conflict"
in about every fifth file or so. I've now realized that it is tied to
using the '(debug) option (used by default in chjmodule) and the
standard-bindings declaration. IIRC, older betas didn't have that
problem.  Here's an example:

(declare (standard-bindings))
(define (flat ll)
  (letrec ((flatten (lambda (l r)
		    (cond ((pair? l)
			   (flatten (car l) (flatten (cdr l) r)) )
			  ((null? l) r)
			  (else (cons l r))))))
    (flatten ll '())))

> (compile-file "foo" '(debug))
(slots: (l ret l r #f #f #f #f 0 1 r #f #f return #f) source: (car l))
*** ERROR -- Compiler internal error detected
*** in procedure targ-add-first-class-label!, variable conflict


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