[gambit-list] Re: C interface: wrong types generated?

TJay tjay.dreaming at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 09:50:25 EST 2005

Sorry, hit the Send button before finishing my post...

I don't know if the compiler is generating the wrong type, or i'm
doing something wrong...

I've written an OpenGL + GLU binding for Gambit-C, which is (I think
and hope) 100% done, except for this type error:

> glColor.c: In function '___H__20_glColor_23_16':
> glColor.c:1558: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of
> 'glColor3bv' differ in signedness
> glColor.c: In function '___H__20_glColor_23_24':
> glColor.c:1982: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of
> 'glColor4bv' differ in signedness
> glNormal.c: In function '___H__20_glNormal_23_5':
> glNormal.c:563: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of
> 'glNormal3bv' differ in signedness


All three of these mismatched arguments have the same type. Here's the
type in C:

  typedef signed char  GLbyte;  /* 1-byte signed */

And my translation in Gambit-C:

  (c-define-type  GLbyte      signed-char)
  (c-define-type  GLbyte*     (pointer GLbyte))


The function declaration in C:

GLAPI void GLAPIENTRY glNormal3bv( const GLbyte *v );

And my translation in Gambit-C:

  (define glColor3bv
    (c-lambda (GLbyte*) void "glColor3bv"))


The Gambit-generated C code:

#define ___NARGS 1
#define ___ARG1 ___CFUN_ARG(1)
___BEGIN_CFUN_ARG(1,void* ___arg1_voidstar)
#define ___arg1 ___CFUN_CAST(___SCHAR*,___arg1_voidstar)
#undef ___AT_END
___CFUN_CALL_VOID(glColor3bv(___arg1))       <--- Wrong type for this.
#ifndef ___AT_END
#define ___AT_END
#undef ___arg1
#undef ___ARG1
#undef ___NARGS

Any ideas what went wrong?

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