[gambit-list] Returning continuations to C

Joel Reymont joelr at well.com
Mon Dec 6 13:47:46 EST 2004


Is it possible to return continuations to C in Gambit? This is a quote
from the documentation:

"Special care is required for programs which escape to Scheme (using
first-class continuations) from a Scheme to C (to Scheme) call because
the C stack frame will remain on the stack. The C stack may overflow if
this happens in a loop with no intervening return to a C function. To
avoid this problem make sure the C stack gets cleaned up by executing a
normal return from a Scheme to C call."

I would like to call a Sheme service-request function and be able to
return a continuation (think processing web requests). What is the proper
way to do this? Maybe I misunderstood the quote above but the last
sentence concerns me.

    Thanks, Joel

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