Our sysadmin has just installed Guile 1.8.1 on our Linux server, but I can't configure snow with it. This is a trace of what happened:
[s352978@dwarf v1.0.0]$ ./configure --site-root=$HOME Searching for the Scheme systems accessible in the current PATH: Guile 1.8.1 -> /opt/bin/guile
These systems were not found (you might want to check the URL to install them): bigloo -> http://www-sop.inria.fr/mimosa/fp/Bigloo ...
Testing the Scheme systems: ----------------------------------------------- testing guile START OF SELF TEST exceptions, records, optional parameters, fixnum, homovector, time, bignum, string, filesys, hostossh: unknowncommand: command not found , random, extio, genport, digest, aes, httpERROR: In procedure fport_fill_input: ERROR: Connection reset by peer guile has ***failed*** the self test -----------------------------------------------
*** None of the installed Scheme systems support Scheme Now! *** Consequently, the Scheme Now! framework can't be installed. *** You might want to install a Scheme system, add it to your *** PATH, and then run the configure script again. [s352978@dwarf v1.0.0]$
Can anyone explain what the problem might be? A guile installation error? A snow problem?
(This is my first attempt at using snow, a step towards using lalr-scm.)
Rodney Topor
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