Hi Marc et. al., MJ Ray brought this project to my attention -- I think it's a great idea! I write a lot of Guile Scheme code, and I'd love to contribute packages / ports / support / etc. One package I noticed (conspicuously) missing from the repository, though, is Oleg Kiselyov's SSAX/SXML modules (http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/SXML.html). Might I suggest the creation of an "XML" category to house it? It's already been ported to, I think, all of the Scheme platforms that Snow supports. Full disclosure: I develop and maintain two Scheme packages, SDOM (http://www.nongnu.org/sdom/) and SCSS (http://www.nongnu.org/scss/), respectively a DOM implementation and CSS parsing/query system, both of which depend on SXML and which I'd love to see included in Snow at some point. Independently of anything I'm doing, though, I think XML parsing is a pretty important component of modern systems interoperability, and I hope there's a place for it in Snow.
Regards, Julian
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On 9-Mar-07, at 12:08 PM, Julian Graham wrote:
Hi Marc et. al., MJ Ray brought this project to my attention -- I think it's a great idea! I write a lot of Guile Scheme code, and I'd love to contribute packages / ports / support / etc. One package I noticed (conspicuously) missing from the repository, though, is Oleg Kiselyov's SSAX/SXML modules (http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/SXML.html). Might I suggest the creation of an "XML" category to house it? It's already been ported to, I think, all of the Scheme platforms that Snow supports. Full disclosure: I develop and maintain two Scheme packages, SDOM (http://www.nongnu.org/sdom/) and SCSS (http://www.nongnu.org/scss/), respectively a DOM implementation and CSS parsing/query system, both of which depend on SXML and which I'd love to see included in Snow at some point. Independently of anything I'm doing, though, I think XML parsing is a pretty important component of modern systems interoperability, and I hope there's a place for it in Snow.
I agree fully.
Now who does the actual work of porting it to Snow? This is actually a general question that applies to any big existing non-Snow package. I think the author or maintainer of the package should be given the opportunity to maintain the Snow package, out of respect for their authorship and also because it will simplify maintenance (no hierarchy of maintainers). If the current author/maintainer is not interested then we can find someone to do the porting work.