[Not sure whether to use Gambit or Snow list - hope duplication not a problem]
I have just installed Gambit (4.0.1), Termite (tarball) and Snow (1.1.1). Things seem OK, in that the following works:
Gambit v4.0.1
#<thread #1 primordial>
So I then defined the following in a Snow package:
(cond-expand (gambit (define (acu-pmap f lst) (let ((parent (self))) (map (lambda (pid) (recv ((,pid reply) reply))) (map (lambda (x) (spawn (lambda () (! parent (list (self) (f x)))))) lst))))) (else (define (acu-pmap f lst) (map f lst))))
However, when I try to use code that calls acu-pmap I get the error (line 30 is the "let"): *** ERROR IN ac-utils/v1#acu-pmap, "ac-utils.scm"@30.20 -- Unbound variable: ac-utils/v1#self
Can anyone suggest why this doesn't work and/or how I can fix it?
Thanks, Andrew
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On 24-Sep-07, at 11:53 PM, andrew cooke wrote:
[Not sure whether to use Gambit or Snow list - hope duplication not a problem]
I have just installed Gambit (4.0.1), Termite (tarball) and Snow (1.1.1). Things seem OK, in that the following works:
Gambit v4.0.1
#<thread #1 primordial>
So I then defined the following in a Snow package:
(cond-expand (gambit (define (acu-pmap f lst) (let ((parent (self))) (map (lambda (pid) (recv ((,pid reply) reply))) (map (lambda (x) (spawn (lambda () (! parent (list (self) (f x)))))) lst))))) (else (define (acu-pmap f lst) (map f lst))))
However, when I try to use code that calls acu-pmap I get the error (line 30 is the "let"): *** ERROR IN ac-utils/v1#acu-pmap, "ac-utils.scm"@30.20 -- Unbound variable: ac-utils/v1#self
Can anyone suggest why this doesn't work and/or how I can fix it?
Thanks, Andrew
Snow will prepend the package name to "self", i.e "mypack#self", because self is not imported from another package. I suggest you (or Guillaume Germain) write a "termite" package which exports functions like self, make-node, etc. Alternatively just add this namespace declaration at the top:
(##namespace ("" self make-node))
You will need to add all the Termite functions/special forms that you want to import.
Hmmm. Thanks. That fixed the compile problem, but I now get *** ERROR IN ##thread-deadlock-action! -- Deadlock detected even though the same code (just mapping +1 on 1,2,3) works fine in gsc (ie typed in directly as below, without the Snow package stuff).
Is there something extra I need to do in order to enable Termite in Snow?
The error occurs on the first recv, btw.
Thanks, Andrew
qp5 lines: gsc Gambit v4.0.1
(define (acu-pmap f lst)
(let ((parent (self))) (map (lambda (pid) (write (list "recv" pid)) (newline) (recv ((,pid reply) reply))) (map (lambda (x) (write (list "spawn")) (newline) (spawn (lambda () (! parent (list (self) (f x)))))) lst))))
(acu-pmap (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) '(1 2 3))
("spawn") ("spawn") ("spawn") ("recv" #<thread #2>) ("recv" #<thread #3>) ("recv" #<thread #4>) (2 3 4)
(cond-expand (gambit (##namespace ("" self spawn recv)) (define (acu-pmap f lst) (let ((parent (self))) (map (lambda (pid) (write (list "recv" pid)) (newline) (recv ((,pid reply) reply))) (map (lambda (x) (write (list "spawn")) (newline) (spawn (lambda () (! parent (list (self) (f x)))))) lst))))) (else (define (acu-pmap f lst) (map f lst))))
(write (list "test pmap" (acu-pmap (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) '(1 2 3))))
("spawn") ("spawn") ("spawn") ("recv" #<thread #2>) *** ERROR IN ##thread-deadlock-action! -- Deadlock detected
On 24-Sep-07, at 11:53 PM, andrew cooke wrote:
[Not sure whether to use Gambit or Snow list - hope duplication not a problem]
I have just installed Gambit (4.0.1), Termite (tarball) and Snow (1.1.1). Things seem OK, in that the following works:
Gambit v4.0.1
#<thread #1 primordial>
So I then defined the following in a Snow package:
(cond-expand (gambit (define (acu-pmap f lst) (let ((parent (self))) (map (lambda (pid) (recv ((,pid reply) reply))) (map (lambda (x) (spawn (lambda () (! parent (list (self) (f x)))))) lst))))) (else (define (acu-pmap f lst) (map f lst))))
However, when I try to use code that calls acu-pmap I get the error (line 30 is the "let"): *** ERROR IN ac-utils/v1#acu-pmap, "ac-utils.scm"@30.20 -- Unbound variable: ac-utils/v1#self
Can anyone suggest why this doesn't work and/or how I can fix it?
Thanks, Andrew
Snow will prepend the package name to "self", i.e "mypack#self", because self is not imported from another package. I suggest you (or Guillaume Germain) write a "termite" package which exports functions like self, make-node, etc. Alternatively just add this namespace declaration at the top:
(##namespace ("" self make-node))
You will need to add all the Termite functions/special forms that you want to import.
i've included a file you can run to demonstrate this (the deadlock error). it assumes you have gambit with termite compiled-in.
sorry for the noise - found the solution. turns outa bunch more symbols were needed (this was easy once i realised "!" was apparently picking up some other definition as the other symbols appeared in error messages).
the correct code is:
":";exec snow -- "$0" "$@"
(package* test/v1.0.0)
(cond-expand (gambit (##namespace ("" self spawn recv ! match/action termite-exception?)) (define (acu-pmap f lst) (let ((parent (self))) (map (lambda (pid) (write (list "recv" pid)) (newline) (recv ((,pid reply) reply))) (map (lambda (x) (write (list "spawn")) (newline) (spawn (lambda () (! parent (list (self) (f x)))))) lst))))) (else (define (acu-pmap f lst) (map f lst))))
(write (list "test pmap" (acu-pmap (lambda (x) (+ 1 x)) '(1 2 3))))