i would like to install srfi-1 on gambit-c.
i installed snow (also set path in .bashrc), but whenever i do the following i get an error message:
snowman install srfi1
== *** WARNING -- Variable "_" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "define*" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "extio/v1.0.3" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "i/o" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "lgpl/v2.1" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "obj" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "package*" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "port" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "snow" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "snow-force-output" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** WARNING -- Variable "snow-pretty-print" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined *** ERROR IN | extio.o1| -- Operator is not a PROCEDURE (#!unbound #!unbound) ==
Is it possible to install srfi-1 by other methods on gambit-c and Mac OSX Leopard?
Btw: if anyone here to have Bigloo installed on Mac OSX Leopard please let me know i am in dire need of Bigloo but it does not compile on Leopard. For the moment I am using Gambit-C
Thanks, Siegfried Gonzi
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