Julian Graham wrote:
So here's a proposal for a Snow regexp API --
(regexp-compile str) ;; Compile a string into a regexp object
Fine, but specify the input language -- the regexp language. If you take my advice, it will have just *, |, [], and ()
It's ok if the Scheme binding has to translate from a portable true regular expression syntax into whatever the system uses natively (e.g., posix, perl, whatever).
;; Return a match object for a compiled regexp and a string, ;; (optionally) using explicit substring addressing (regexp-match pattern str [start] [end])
There should be no such thing as a "match object". If you want things like sub-exp positions, I'm saying don't use the posix re features for that or perl's --- write that stuff in Scheme, using the true regular expression matcher as the "inner loop".
;; Perform regexp replacement on a string using a compiled ;; regexp -- replacement will first be inserted after first-match ;; and will be inserted for no more than max-matches matches. ;; [not sure if this is the right way to present this function...] (regexp-replace pattern str replacement [first-match] [max-matches])
(regexp? pattern) ;; type checking for compiled regexp objects
(regexp-match? match) ;; type checking for match structures
Please, no such thing as match structures. They are a botched design in Posix and Perl -- pure legacy. Simulate them, better, in portable scheme atop a "true regular expression" back-end.
;; the number of matches in a match structure (regexp-match:count match)
;; the start index of match n (regexp-match:start match [n])
;; the end index of match n (regexp-match:end match [n])
What do people think?
I played with several APIs while I worked on Rx (a pretty heavy-duty regexp engine). I like:
(matches? compiled-pattern str [start [end]]) => boolean Does the entire string fit the pattern?
(find-start compiled-pattern str [start [end]]) => integer | #f Find the starting position (only) of the first match. This is computationally less complex than finding both the start and end positions and it is often useful just to have the start.
(find-match compiled-pattern str [start [end]]) => integer integer Find the leftmost-longest match
That's all you need to duplicate (and surpass) the functionality of full Posix regexps and Perl regexps using portable Scheme code. And, those are all easy to do on top of either a Perl or Posix engine.
Something you can't really do portably but that "would be nice" is to have a first class object for a match-in-progress. As in:
(define dfa (start-matcher compiled-pattern str [start [end]])) (advance-dfa-to-final-state! dfa) (can-continue? dfa) (final-state-indicates-match? dfa) (current-position dfa) etc.
Those kinds of primitives turn out to be *extremely* handy once you have them but there is no way to achieve them without doing some performance critical regexp-engine hacking -- so I doubt they could work in Snow at just this moment.
--------------- a little non-sequitor but while I'm thinking of it:
The huge, huge wins of using true regular expressions are, sure, you can use either a posix or perl back-end, and sure, it encourages the development of some useful scheme libraries layered on top but, also:
True regular expressions, in contrast to both Posix and Perl patterns in their general form, have very reliable performance characteristics and very modest memory requirements. They are a rock solid component that you can deploy with confidence in an application. The fancier regexp languages that are popular today are all flakey and hard to control -- they have pretty hard to predict or control performance in many common cases.