I've a plan to snowball refactored SSAX-SXML package.
It'll likely include the following components:
1. XML parsing - SSAX, W3C compliant
2. HTML parsing - Neil van Dyke's HtmlPrag
3. SXPath - including full support for W3C XPath syntax and location-step functions in Scheme. Provides expressive power of XQuery.
4. SXLink - W3C compliant, but without support for points and ranges
5. XQuery Update Facility - no XQuery, just updates with Patrick Lehti syntax
6. XSLT-like transformation - but XSLT compatibility is unlikely
7. Descriptive XML schema - DataGuides
8. Serialization to XML and HTML, including pretty printing
9. ... and more :-)
Almost all of the code exists and is used in production for years, so it's mostly about refactoring/optimization/better packaging/easy of use.
API would be streamlined and much smaller comparing to current SSAX-SXML packages.
The package is currently developed and deployed as Chicken egg, but it should also support Bigloo, Gambit and PLT, and Snow looks like a reasonable way to achieve this.
The latest Chicken package at SourceForge http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=30687&package_id=1... provides very similar functionality.
We collaborate with Dmitry Lizorkin, and this package may be considered as a lightweight and streamlined version of the packages maintained by him.
It's worth a note that packaging SSAX as a separate package is quite possible and even may be a good idea. In the past SXML-tools and SSAX were packaged as two separate packages, but SXML-tools heavily depended on SSAX because SSAX package included "common library" code, such as string processing and even I/O. The code is very portable but it even comes with its own "local" SRFI-13 :-) I'd love to change this with Snow!
So, hopefully, with Snow this support code may be moved out of SSAX, and SSAX-SXML package may be decomposed as three different packages: 1. SSAX 2. SSAX-independent SXML-tools 3. Other SXML-tools (such as SXLink), this package depends on two others.
If you are interested in snowballing SSAX - please let me know, Dmitry and I will be glad to collaborate.
Best regards, Kirill Lisovsky.
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