On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 9:26 AM, Joel J. Adamson jadamson@partners.org wrote:
"Matthew Martin" matt.a.martin@gmail.com writes:
On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Joel J. Adamson jadamson@partners.org wrote:
That's an old problem... kinda surprised it's still there.
I know there was discussion of it on the list (I checked the archives). This was in a download of snow-generic from the main download page. Is there a VC repository somewhere?
I'm not sure.
2 things.
- It's "srfi1", not "srfi-1". However, it should simply reply with
"Snowfort does not contain package srfi-1."
Martin@Deimos $ snowman install srfi-1 Snowfort does not contain package srfi-1.
(the above is using mzscheme)
Yeah, I get exactly the same message when I try any snowman command. I just tried it with those environment variables, and I get the same thing.
- I get the same error you did when I try 'env SNOW_HOST=gambit
snowman install srfi-1' or 'env SNOW_HOST=gambit snowman install srfi1'. gsi is also in my $PATH.
It would seem the immediate solution is to try a different Scheme implementation for the time being until someone more knowledgeable responds.
I'd love to take your suggestion, but I'm hooked on Gambit ;)
Here's what happens if I try guile: ,---- | | /home/joel/lisp/scm/.snow: Zshell> SNOW_HOST=guile snowman install srfi1 | ERROR: In procedure scm_lreadr: | ERROR: #<unknown port>:5:220: illegal character in escape sequence: #\3 `----
Same here on Guile 1.8.3 : ----------------------------------------------------------------- Deimos $ SNOW_HOST=guile snowman install srfi1
ERROR: In procedure scm_lreadr: ERROR: #<unknown port>:5:220: illegal character in escape sequence: #\3 ------------------------------------------------------------------
And on Chicken v. 2.608 - netbsd-unix-gnu-x86 I get: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Martin@Deimos $ SNOW_HOST=chicken snowman install srfi1 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 5 #\3 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 21 #\3 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 21 #\2 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 21 #\3 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 21 #\2 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 21 #\3 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 21 #\2 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 21 #\3 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 21 #\2 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 39 #\3 Warning: undefined escape sequence in string - probably forgot backslash ? in line 39 #\2 srfi1/v1.0.16/snow/srfi-1-reference.scm -- invalid signature by: ("Jeremie Lasalle Ratelle <pouexmachinax at gmail.com>") srfi1/v1.0.16/snow/srfi-1-tests.scm -- invalid signature by: ("Jeremie Lasalle Ratelle <pouexmachinax at gmail.com>") srfi1/v1.0.16/snow/srfi1.scm -- invalid signature by: ("Jeremie Lasalle Ratelle <pouexmachinax at gmail.com>") Package srfi1/v1.0.16 failed verification. The verification may succeed if one of the following certificates is imported: 1) "Jeremie Lasalle Ratelle <pouexmachinax at gmail.com>" fingerprint: c113604551030ec83b040dd737fad9bb purpose: (snow) authenticity: *** not signed *** ASCII: 2VydC12MQoiSmVyZW1pZSBMYXNhbGxlIFJhdGVsbGUgPHBvdWV4bWFjaGluYXggYXQgZ21haWwuY29tPiIKKCJSMkFEUXc9PSIgIlNVRTJ3dz09IikKKHNub3cpCig1MTIgIkFjTmtENk5uRzNjMHNNODRONUZYMWRxakJ0T1owWVZlNFd5TUZTTXdBbWVsM0dhNXlTNFB4cnBOYjVXLzBVcERxc0ZVTlhjdFpXdUgzeWFjdG5ESUYrYz0iICJBUUFCIikKI2YK Deimos $ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (the invalid signature stuff is OK, I just havn't imported his key).