Dear Snow-List,
I installed snow-generic today on Slackware 12.0 with both Guile and Gambit-C 4.2.2.
1) I had to change:
,---- | (let* ((range-lo (string->bignum "1168000000")) | (range-hi (string->bignum "1200000000")) | (s start-time)) | (if (not (and (bignum>= s range-lo) (bignum<= s range-hi))) | (failed `(and (bignum>= ,s ,range-lo) (bignum<= ,s ,range-hi))))) `---- to
,---- | (let* ((range-lo (string->bignum "1168000000")) ==> (range-hi (string->bignum "1210000000")) | (s start-time)) | (if (not (and (bignum>= s range-lo) (bignum<= s range-hi))) | (failed `(and (bignum>= ,s ,range-lo) (bignum<= ,s ,range-hi))))) `----
otherwise I got "None of the installed Scheme implementations support Scheme Now!"
2) When I try to install a package, this is what I get:
,---- | /home/joel/lisp/scm/.snow/current/bin: Zshell> snowman install srfi-1 | *** WARNING -- Variable "_" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "define*" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "extio/v1.0.3" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "i/o" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "lgpl/v2.1" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "obj" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "package*" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "port" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "snow" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "snow-force-output" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** WARNING -- Variable "snow-pretty-print" used in module "extio.o1" is undefined | *** ERROR IN | extio.o1| -- Operator is not a PROCEDURE | (#!unbound #!unbound) | /home/joel/lisp/scm/.snow/current/bin: Zshell> `----
This is with gsi in my $PATH.
Please let me know where to start.
Thanks, Joel