A warning: I'm a noob, to both Scheme and Snow.
First question.
I have a snowball of pregexp[1] just about ready to upload, and I was wondering what would be appropriate to put as 'license:' ? Its license states: ----- Copyright (c) 1999-2005, Dorai Sitaram. All rights reserved.
Permission to copy, modify, distribute, and use this work or a modified copy of this work, for any purpose, is hereby granted, provided that the copy includes this copyright notice, and in the case of a modified copy, also includes a notice of modification. This work is provided as is, with no warranty of any kind. -----
I'm not sure how picky license: is. Would (license: bsd/mit-like) be ok? Something more descriptive? I'll probably email Dorai and ask if they'd prefer to maintain it or sign it as well before I upload the snowball. Probably be good to ask them what a good description of the license as a symbol would be too.
OK, next question.
How the heck do I use snow from a REPL o_O
Let's say I have this in an emacs buffer: ----- (package* test/v1.0.0 (require: time/v1))
(display (current-time-seconds)) -----
I hit C-c C-l to load and eval it, and it says current-time-seconds is undefined? If I instead slap ":";exec snow -- "$0" "$@" on top and run it as a snow script from a command line, it does what I'd expect it to do. Same results with MzScheme and Chicken so far. I cannot for the life of me figure out why it'd work one way and not the other, I assume I'm doing something fundamentally wrong.
Last question. For now ;)
What exactly are the differences between these?: load-program* include-program* load* include* include*-cd
Only include* seems to be documented, as far as I can tell. I suspect one of the -program* variety may resolve the REPL issue above, but I can't quite seem to penetrate the code.
And a suggestion:
It'd be nice if the docs mentioned that if you're using a *BSD, you probably want to use gtar when creating snowballs. I was racking my brain for a while on that one. Using NetBSD's default tar at least, seems to confuse snowman when it tries to unpack the snowball saying something about invalid filenames.
More docs for the various loads and includes would be handy as well. I'd be willing to document them, if I understood them.