Fair enough, but no one's designing an XML library here. We have an XML library; it's pretty much the only XML library for Scheme; it's been in development and use for at least six years. The only thing I was soliciting was information on which ports of it were the tidiest and which module exports people wanted to see.
On 7/13/07, Thomas Lord lord@emf.net wrote:
Furthermore, I can't speak for the Snow maintainers, but I suspect that since XML parsing is such a core feature of a code repository like Snow -- which is primarily useful in that it presents a closed system of library dependencies -- that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a bunch of competing implementations in there, each likely to have different syntax, etc.
Please don't think that way.
Given the uncertainties about the designing an XML library, the opposite is probably true: a bunch of competing, needs-driven implementations makes a lot of sense (while we wait for a Scheme genius to plunk down the Right Thing to which everyone naturally chooses to migrate).
I don't mean to argue in favor of sloppiness or design error. I'm just saying that you should think of a package system not as a library of pristine things but rather as a communications medium through which things are exchanged.
Like: if there are design questions about XML libs, and you want to put those before the community, a snowball containing a strawman XML lib is worth 10x an email question about what kind of XML lib the package system should have. At least that's how it works in CPAN et al.
Julian Graham wrote:
Woah, woah, woah. Slow down. I want to be clear here -- I'm in favor of porting Oleg Kiselyov's SSAX/SXML package (http://okmij.org/ftp/Scheme/xml.html) to Snow. Yes, I realize XML parsing correctness / efficiency / functionality is very important, and that SSAX isn't going to suit the needs of every last-20-percenter out there. But: SSAX is already a very good XML parsing package, and it already works. I don't see any reason it doesn't belong in Snow, especially given that it is kind of the de facto Scheme XML parsing implementation.
And it (or nearby packages) already does a lot of the last-20-percent stuff -- to address a few of the items on Tom Lord's wish list:
- SSAX has a pretty streamy API already, and I've written a DOMish API
that goes on top of that (SDOM: http://www.nongnu.org/sdom/).
- SSAX's default namespace handling, while a little frustrating, is
technically correct.
- SSAX's parser is also, I believe, pretty adherent as far as
correctness goes. SDOM includes an implementation of the Load/Save DOM recommendation (including doing pretty-prints), though it's not quite complete yet.
- SSAX doesn't come with DTD support, but SDOM contains a partial
DTD-parsing implementation.
- There are Scheme implementations for things like XPATH and XQUERY
floating around in SSAX's orbit -- see Oleg's site for links.
- For permissive HTML parsing, there's always Neil Van Dyke's HtmlPrag
(http://www.neilvandyke.org/htmlprag/), which is SXML-compatible.
I am *way* not arguing for "custom" XML parsers or any kind of standards shear -- those SSAX customization features I was requesting to be present in a Snow port are already features of SSAX's implementation. As I mentioned earlier, it's not just an XML parser, it's also kind of an example of how to build your own parser. The make-parser syntax, if exported, lets users (like me) implement useful (but not technically mandated) things that are lacking in the SSAX distribution, such as DTD parsing and more flexible namespace management, and then plug them into SSAX's vanilla parser.
I actually think we're on the same page here -- unless you seriously object to having SSAX as Snow's go-to XML parser. At the same time, given that, by virtue of the nature of SSAX's codebase, any effort to get it into Snow is going to require some decisions to be made about what parts of it to include, I think it's worth discussing some requirements.
Furthermore, I can't speak for the Snow maintainers, but I suspect that since XML parsing is such a core feature of a code repository like Snow -- which is primarily useful in that it presents a closed system of library dependencies -- that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have a bunch of competing implementations in there, each likely to have different syntax, etc.
On 7/13/07, Dominique Boucher dominique.boucher@nuecho.com wrote:
Well said! And I'd go a step further: do it for a single implementation first (your favorite one, or Gambit-C if you don't have one ;-), with an eye on portability.
Perhaps my serious suggestion is: don't worry so much. Just
get a package out there that does any damn thing that might
be useful and then go from there. Separate concerns: a snowball
for XML processing that happens to have some mud in it is a
good place to start -- then separately, start making that snowball
really top-notch. Don't make "getting XML in Scheme perfect"
a pre-condition for "here's a snowball for XML processors".
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