Hi All,
Tomorrow we will have another tea talk from the LISA lab members at the core of our UTLC team. Note the change of time! Hope to see you there.
Location: LISA lab (AA3256) Time: 13h00 Date: Thursday, March 10th, 2011
Title: Unsupervised and Transfer Learning Challenge (UTLC)
Authors: Yann, Xavier, Salah, Grégoire
Abstract: The phase 1 of unsupervised learning challenge aimed to test unsupervised learning methods on five different datasets (sparse/dense, high/low dimension, images/manuscripts/... recognition). Competitors were evaluated with respect to the ALC (Area under Learning Curve) of a linear classifier (Hebbian) trained with very few training examples on a subset of the classes present in the training set. This allowed us to test deep/shallow learning algorithms in new settings: one shot learning (one sample used for training) and transductive learning. We will present the different methods we used to achieve good performance (ranking 1st overall on the validation set) and our positive/negative feedback about the competition.
Cheers, Aaron
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