Hi All,
Our regularly scheduled tea talk this week with be given by Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski. Nicolas will tell about some of his recent work. Hope to see you all there.
When: 15h00, Thursday March 15th, 2012 Where: LISA lab (AA3256)
Title: Discriminative non-negative matrix factorization for polyphonic music transcription
Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is an unsupervised technique to decompose data into additive-only components. It is useful to infer interpretable recurring note events in a power spectrogram, or facial features in emotion recognition data. After reviewing recently developed models for polyphonic music generation, I will use NMF to transcribe audio excerpts into musical notation. I will introduce two discriminative criteria, both in the latent variable and autoencoder perspectives, to influence the NMF decomposition and improve the resulting transcription.
Cheers, Aaron
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