We will have Fred's postponed Tea Talk / Discussion on Monday (June 11th) at 11:00am. This discussion relates to the questionnaire that Fred sent out last week. Please be there.
Time/Date: Monday (June 11th) at 11:00am Location: LISA Lab.
Title: Discussion of code development/lab admnistration/others priority for the lab
To help target our code development/administration/others, we will discuss together the result of the questionary I emailed.
Cheers, Aaron
On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Guillaume Desjardins guillaume.desjardins@gmail.com wrote:
This tea-talk will unfortunately be post-poned, due to a conflict with the UdeM-McGill seminar. More details to follow.
On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Aaron Courville aaron.courville@gmail.com wrote:
We are restarting our tea talk series after the NIPS break. This week we have Frédéric leading a discussion of our code development priorities in the lab. Hope to see you there.
When: Thursday June 7th, 3:00pm Where: LISA lab
Title: Discussion of code development/lab admnistration/others priority for the lab
Point: To help target our code development/administration/others, we will discuss together the result of the questionary I emailed.
Cheers, Aaron
-- Aaron C. Courville Département d’Informatique et de recherche opérationnelle Université de Montréal email:Aaron.Courville@gmail.com _______________________________________________ Lisa_labo mailing list Lisa_labo@iro.umontreal.ca https://webmail.iro.umontreal.ca/mailman/listinfo/lisa_labo
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