Hi All,
This week Lysiane Bouchard will be telling us about her recent work on machine learning applications to neuroimaging data.
Where: AA1409 (tentative) When: Thursday August 26th, 14h30
Title/Abstract: Machine learning applications to neuroimaging data
Neuroimaging techniques allow measurements at more and more refined resolution through various imaging modalities. These technical advancements create a need for more and more sophisticated analysis tools and are certainly related to the growing interest for machine learning algorithms in the neuroscience community. The goal of this talk is to give an overview of machine learning applications to neuroimaging data. First, I will introduce you to neuroimaging data, more specifically to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. Second, I will present several examples of machine learning applications, including a study on auditory perception on which I’ve been working recently. Finally, I will discuss about a few popular research trends aiming to integrate a-priori knowledge and traditional preprocessing steps in the algorithms to increase their interpretability and efficiency.
Cheers, Aaron
-- Aaron C. Courville Département d’Informatique et de recherche opérationnelle Université de Montréal email:Aaron.Courville@gmail.com
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