---------- Message transféré ---------- De : Morin Danielle danielle.morin@umontreal.ca Date : 2 février 2018 à 12:43 Objet : RE: Articles sur l'Intelligence artificielle dans le "O Mile-Ex" À : Myriam Côté myriam.cote@rd.mila.quebec Cc : Bengio Yoshua yoshua.bengio@umontreal.ca, Myriam CÔTÉ < cotemyri@gmail.com>
Good Morning,
The piece of news concerning the installation of the hub in artificial intelligence in the building of O Mile-Ex situated on the street St-Urbain was made public this morning by Radio-Canada and in LaPresse +.
The information concerning the various tenants of the building, including the MILA, being made public, thus the owner confirmed the "hub" to the journalists.
This piece of news(short story) precedes the official announcement and we wanted you are informed about it. Furthermore, the owner of the building will grant an interview this evening to Téléjournal of 6:00 pm of Radio-Canada and to RDI economy.
Best regards,
*Danielle* *Morin*
Directrice générale par intérim
MILA – Institut québécois d’intelligence artificielle
Téléphone : 514-343-2186 <(514)%20343-2186>
Cellulaire : 514-261-0597 <(514)%20261-0597>
Here are the links towards the Web article of Radio-Canada and that of the exercise book Business(Affairs) of LaPresse +.
http://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1081709/technologie- montreal-saint-urbain-intelligence-artificielle
http://plus.lapresse.ca/screens/47a384ca-5655-4d99- 92d7-ebc482759a00__7C___0.html?utm_medium=Email&utm_ campaign=Microsite+Share&utm_content=Screen