As suggested by Yoshua, we're going to have a run up to NIPS tea talk this Thursday. The idea is we give very brief pitches for the various projects underway with an eye to a NIPS submission. Students not on a project can shop around and get involved.
Updated list of speakers / subjects: (YOU MIGHT BE ON THE LIST!)
- Ian Goodfellow: new estimation criteria for energy based models and a new reconstruction semi-restricted Boltzmann machine - Guillaume Desjardins: tracking the partition function and bilinear RBMs - Xavier Glorot & Yann Dauphin: reconstruction sampling with sparse connections - Xavier Glorot & Antoine Bordes: word sense disambiguation with semantic triplet models - James Bergstra: I'd like to essentially scale up the mu-ssRBM to work on big images using pyramidal image representations. - Remi Bardenet & James Bergstra: adaptive model selection - François Savard: deep auto-encoders with (recurrent) top-down connections for coordinating internal representations - Salah Rifai: semantic hashing with contrastive auto-encoders - David Warde-Farley & Razvan Pascanu: sparse coding for animations compression - Eric Thibodeau-Laufer: hybrid non-parametric & parametric (embeddings-based) content-based collaborative filtering - Razvan Pascanu: long-term dependencies in recurrent networks - Gregoire Mesnil & Antoine Bordes: Learning to automatically label sub-parts of images without any direct supervision - Olivier Delalleau: Theoretical results on the expressive power of deep sum-product networks - Yann & Salah: Modeling manifold tangents with deep networks for better supervised learning - Philippe Hamel : Combining pooling functions in convolutional networks
Time / Date: 15h00 / Thursday, May 5th, 2011 Location: LISA Lab (AA3256)
Hope to see you there.
Cheers, Aaron