I can present at a teatalk in early November. I'm still not good at speaking English now, I'll try to prepare a presentation until then. But I haven't decided the subject yet (I have 2 ~ 3 candidates for the teatalk, I'll pick it up later)Dong-Hyun.2014-09-08 18:57 GMT-04:00 Kyung Hyun Cho <cho.k.hyun@gmail.com>:_______________________________________________- ChoBest,Dear all,You can either (1) tell the lab about your research, (2) present some others' work or (3) share interesting research/development ideas. If you want to give a tea talk but are not sure which topic or existing paper to present, come talk to me and we'll figure something out.
We have about 7 tea talk slots available before NIPS (until the end of November). If anyone's willing to present at the teatalk, don't hesitate to contact me!
Lisa_labo mailing list
--- Dong-Hyun