I neglected to mention the time for Pardis Noorzad's talk. The talk will be at 15h00.
Cheers, Aaron
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Aaron Courville aaron.courville@gmail.com Date: Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 10:29 AM Subject: Tea Talk Tomorrow! To: Lisa Labo lisa_labo@iro.umontreal.ca, lisa_teatalk@iro.umontreal.ca
Tomorrow we have a special Tea Talk at a special Time. A visitor, Pardis Noorzad, will present some of his work with Prof. Bob L. Sturm. Hope to see you there.
When: Tomorrow, Monday March 12th, 2012 Where: TBA
"SPARROW: Sparse approximation weighted regression"
Abstract: We propose sparse approximation weighted regression (SPARROW), which is a nonparametric method of regression that takes advantage of the sparse linear approximation of a query point. SPARROW employs weights based on sparse approximation in the context of locally constant, locally linear, and locally quadratic regression to generate better estimates than for e.g., k-nearest neighbor regression and more generally, kernel-weighted local polynomial regression. Our experimental results show that SPARROW performs competitively.
This is joint work with Prof. Bob L. Sturm.
Cheers, Aaron
-- Aaron C. Courville Département d’Informatique et de recherche opérationnelle Université de Montréal email:Aaron.Courville@gmail.com