Can you remove me from the mailing list?
Marie-Ève Dauphinais https://www.linkedin.com/in/marie-%C3%A8ve-dauphinais-83aaa390/
Chargée de projets, MELIORE 2572, boul. Daniel-Johnson, Laval (Québec), H7T 23R 1-800-332-1637 | Cellulaire 514-781-1405 | mailto:medauphinais@meliore.ca medauphinais@meliore.ca | http://www.meliore.ca/ www.meliore.ca
https://www.facebook.com/MELIORECA/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR4mv3dN3eQlhLiuVbMZ-CQ https://www.linkedin.com/company/10170891/ https://twitter.com/MELIORECA
MELIORE est fier d'être finaliste dans la catégorie INNOVATION | AUTOMATISATION 2018 pour le 28e Gala des Prix Innovation de l’ADRIQ
De : Lisa_teatalk lisa_teatalk-bounces@iro.umontreal.ca De la part de Hadi Envoyé : November 28, 2018 4:08 PM À : lisa_teatalk@iro.umontreal.ca Objet : [Lisa_teatalk] Question
I wonder if I request for the information in the training section of the web-site. Is the course list (including professors) for the winter 2018 the same for winter 2019?
Sincerely yours,