
This week we will have Olivier D. tell us about sum-product networks and his recent contributions to their theoretic development. This work will be appearing at the upcoming NIPS.

When: Wednesday Nov. 9th. 14h00
Where: LISA LAB (AA3256)

Title: On Sum-Product Networks

I will explain what are sum-product networks, why they can be useful, and why we care about deep ones.
I will provide theoretical results on the expressive power of deep sum-product networks, showing they are able to represent some functions (exponentially) more compactly than their shallow counterpart.
These results contribute to motivate recent research involving learning of deep sum-product networks, and more generally motivate research in Deep Learning.
This is joint work with Yoshua.


Aaron C. Courville
Département d’Informatique et
de recherche opérationnelle
Université de Montréal