The library is now on Assembla:
hg clone
Take a look at the demos for a quick overview.
On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Aaron Courville wrote:
Hi All,
This week we will have Philippe Hamel present a python library that he and Simon have been working on. Hope to see you all there.
Where: LISA lab (AA3256) When: 14h00, Thursday, July 7th, 2011
Developing tools for hyper-parameter visualization
As the complexity of machine learning algorithms becomes greater, the number of hyper-parameters tends to do the same. Optimizing such algorithms often involves tedious exploration of a high dimensional hyper-parameter space. Typically, results from experiments are stored in a SQL database and results can be analyzed by looking at sql queries in a table. With this kind of view, it can be hard to see correlations between parameters, or to understand trends in the data. Using plots instead of tables can allow for better understanding of the hyper-parameter space, but might require more coding. So, a tool that allows us to easily plot and visualize the hyper-parameter space could help to guide our experiments in the right direction.
In this tea talk, I would like to present a small python library that Simon and I have been working on and using to visualize our experiments. It is basically a bridge between a jobman SQL database and pylab. It allows dynamic filtering of the data, applying functions to transform and/or combine columns of data, and more! We have a few ideas on features that could be added, and we would like to get your input.
We would like to give you a quick demo of what the library can do for now. We'd love some feedback from you. We are interested to know if people from LISA might be interested to use this tool, or even contribute to it.
Cheers, Aaron
-- Aaron C. Courville Département d’Informatique et de recherche opérationnelle Université de Montréal _______________________________________________ Lisa_labo mailing list