Just a friendly reminder:
this Thursday, shortly before the IBM visit and before NIPS, we will have a talk by Guido Montufar from the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig:
A Theory of Cheap Control in Embodied Systems
hope to see many of you there,
-- Abstract & Info -- Who: Guido F. Montufar When: Thursday, December 3rd, 11:00 am Where: AA 3195
A Theory of Cheap Control in Embodied Systems http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.100442...
Given a body and an environment, what is the brain complexity needed in order to generate a desired set of behaviors? In this talk I will discuss an approach that links the physical and behavioral constraints of an agent to the required controller complexity. I will exemplify the approach with a conditional restricted Boltzmann machine as a controller architecture and present experiments conducted with a virtual six-legged walking creature.