Just to remind everyone of the ICML practice talk today at 15h00
(snacks provided) and to confirm that the location will indeed be
On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 6:12 AM, Aaron Courville
<aaron.courville(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In our normal tea talk time slot, we will have an ICML practice talk
> by Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski. Please be there with your
> constructively critical hats on.
> When: 15h00 Thursday June 21, 2012 (i.e. tomorrow)
> Where: TBA (hopefully AA3195)
> Title and Abstract:
> Modeling Temporal Dependencies in High-Dimensional Sequences:
> Application to Polyphonic Music Generation and Transcription
> We investigate the problem of modeling symbolic sequences of
> polyphonic music in a completely general piano-roll representation. We
> introduce a probabilistic model based on distribution estimators
> conditioned on a recurrent neural network that is able to discover
> temporal dependencies in high-dimensional sequences. Our approach
> outperforms many traditional models of polyphonic music on a variety
> of realistic datasets. We show how our musical language model can
> serve as a symbolic prior to improve the accuracy of polyphonic
> transcription.
> Cheers,
> Aaron
> --
> Aaron C. Courville
> Département d’Informatique et
> de recherche opérationnelle
> Université de Montréal
> email:Aaron.Courville@gmail.com
Aaron C. Courville
Département d’Informatique et
de recherche opérationnelle
Université de Montréal