This week we will have a tea talk by Pascal Vincent. Hope to see you all there.
When: Thursday May 10th, 15h00
Where: LISA Lab.
Title: Biasing estimation towards Manifold prior hypothesis
I will present the fruits of my reflections on the manifold
hypothesis, starting form the mere geometric intuition, and showing
how it may be translated into specific regularization schemes when
fitting energy based models or auto-encoders. I will contrast the
resulting regularized parameter estimation schemes with what is
implied by maximum likelihood, score matching, denoising auto-encoder
and contractive auto-encoder criteria. The alternative regularization
terms I propose should aim at modeling actual low dimensional
manifolds, irrespective of model parametrization and contrary to our
current approaches.
Aaron C. Courville
Département d’Informatique et
de recherche opérationnelle
Université de Montréal