Hi gang,
This week we have two more practice talks for the upcoming NIPS conference.
Ian and Guillaume (take 2) will be presenting their recent work.
Come with questions, comments and critiques.
When: Wednesday Dec. 7nd, 14h00
Where: AA3195
Speaker: Ian Goodfellow
Title: Spike-and-Slab Sparse Coding for Unsupervised Feature Discovery
We introduce spike-and-slab sparse coding (S3C), an unsupervised feature
discovery algorithm. S3C is based on a generative model that resembles both
the spike-and-slab RBM and sparse coding. Since exact inference in this
model is intractable, we derive a structured variational inference
procedure and employ a variational EM training algorithm. We demonstrate
that this approach improves upon the supervised learning capabilities of
both sparse coding and the ssRBM on the CIFAR-10 dataset. We evaluate our
approach’s potential for semi-supervised learning on subsets of CIFAR-10.
We demonstrate state-of-the art self-taught learning performance on the
STL-10 dataset and use our method to win the NIPS 2011 Workshop on
Challenges In Learning Hierarchical Models’ Transfer Learning Challenge.
Speaker: Guillaume Desjardins
Title: On Tracking The Partition Function
Markov Random Fields (MRFs) have proven very powerful both as density
estimators and feature extractors for classification. However, their
use is often limited by an inability to estimate the partition
function $Z$. In this paper, we exploit the gradient descent training
procedure of restricted Boltzmann machines (a type of MRF) to {\bf
track} the log partition function during learning. Our method relies
on two distinct sources of information: (1) estimating the change
$\Delta Z$ incurred by each gradient update, (2) estimating the
difference in $Z$ over a small set of tempered distributions using
bridge sampling. The two sources of information are then combined
using an inference procedure similar to Kalman filtering. Learning
MRFs through Tempered Stochastic Maximum Likelihood, we can estimate
$Z$ using no more temperatures than are required for learning.
Comparing to both exact values and estimates using annealed importance
sampling (AIS), we show on several datasets that our method is able to
accurately track the log partition function. In contrast to AIS, our
method provides this estimate at each time-step, at a computational
cost similar to that required for training alone.
Aaron C. Courville
Département d’Informatique et
de recherche opérationnelle
Université de Montréal