Hello Everyone,

This is a reminder that we have a talk today by Michael James from Cerebras Systems based in Los Altos, California.
The room will be AA5340 and starts at 13:45.

Thank you,
Devansh Arpit

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From: Dzmitry Bahdanau <dimabgv@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 10:39 AM
Subject: [Lisa_montreal] [TeaTalk] Michael James, April 21, 13:45, AA5340
To: Lisa montreal <lisa_montreal@iro.umontreal.ca>, Lisa Labo <lisa_labo@iro.umontreal.ca>, "lisa_teatalk@iro.umontreal.ca" <lisa_teatalk@iro.umontreal.ca>, "lisa_seminaires@iro.umontreal.ca" <lisa_seminaires@iro.umontreal.ca>, "teatalk-orgs@lisa.iro.umontreal.ca" <teatalk-orgs@iro.umontreal.ca>

Hi all, 

Our next speaker is Michael James from Cerebras Systems. The talk will take place at AA5340, April 21, 13:45. Hope to see many of you there!

Title: Continuous Propagation and Computer Architectures Specialized for Deep Learning

Abstract: I will be discussing a novel computing platform designed for training deep neural models, and highlight Continuous Propagation, which is one of the new learning algorithms that it makes possible. Continuous Propagation is a training technique that allows layer-parallelism: training for deep models is parallelized along the depth of the network. The technique is motivated by the continuous differential formulation of learning and has relations to biologically plausible learning. Cerebras Systems is building a next generation system, purpose designed for sparse linear algebra and large stochastic optimization problems.

Bio: I am a founder and Chief Software Architect at Cerebras Systems, a venture-backed stealth mode startup located in Los Altos, California. Prior to founding Cerebras Systems, I was lead SW Architect at SeaMicro (acquired by AMD for $357 million). I was responsible for the distributed system software that among other things, did placement and work allocation for the more than 16,000 cores in a SeaMicro solution. Post acquisition, I was an AMD Fellow and worked as a hardware and software architect. At AMD, I designed a novel distributed high-availability compute architecture base on cellular automata. Career highlights include: Platform Architect, Kno Inc, where I designed gesture recognition algorithms. Chief Architect, MultiLing Corp, where I designed machine translation software using fuzzy logic. I have designed operating systems, compilers, real-time feedback control systems, signal processing, and recognition systems. I hold patents in computer architecture and distributed algorithms. My alma mater is University of California at Berkeley where I studied Molecular Neurobiology, Mathematics, and Computer Science.


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