
Begin forwarded message:

Date: August 8, 2008 5:57:20 PM EDT (CA)
Subject: Predoc oral de Dumitru Erhan


Vous êtes tous cordialement invités au predoc oral
de Dumitru Erhan (dont le directeur de these est Yoshua Bengio)
au DIRO, le jeudi 14 aout a 15:00 en salle 3195
(Pavillon Aisenstadt).

Voici le titre de sa presentation:

"Heuristics for Optimizing Deep Architectures

Deep architectures are viewed by many as an efficient new way of
tackling difficult Artificial Intelligence problems, such as vision or
natural language processing. A flurry of models and algorithms to
efficiently train them have sprung over the last several years. The key
ingredient seems to be greedy, layer-wise initialization of such
models. I will review the state-of-the-art and identify some of the
open issues with deep architectures. I will then present our work that
tackled some of these issues and propose a series of theoretical
extensions and experimental work that suggest new directions for
research on deep architectures --- such as learning multimodal
representations of visual, textual and musical data as well as
collective training of networks. I argue that tackling these problem
will give us new insights into the inner workings of these models and
could help the optimization process of deep architectures. "

Max Mignotte