j'ai pensé que ça vous intéresserait surtout pour le document sur le FOSS.
en gros c'est une école de disctrict au BC qui a rentré Linux et qui dit sauver énormément de $$.
-- Gabriel Filion
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2007/6/11, Gabriel Filion
j'ai pensé que ça vous intéresserait surtout pour le document sur le FOSS.
Un article intéressant a aussi été mentionné sur /.
"pfaffman sends us word of a two-part article in LinuxInsider that lays out to an audience of non-tech educators a cogent argument for using F/OSS in schools. The piece was written by a University of Tennessee professor for the education journal TechTrends. It makes the case that proprietary software is inconvenient and that when schools choose to use proprietary products they spend their constituents' money. The article won't contain a whole lot of surprises for Linux initiates (save perhaps some software recommendations for educational use), but it's interesting to see these ideas presented so clearly to a wider, and influential, audience."
-- In совет Россиа, software open-sources you.