On 2-Mar-09, at 5:22 PM, Paul Onions wrote:
On 2009-03-02 21:07:39 +0000, Marc Feeley feeley@iro.umontreal.ca said:
As for documentation, did you check the Snow web site?
Hello Mark,
Yes, I read all the documentation, but somehow I had the preconceived notion (entirely my own invention I think), that I would be able to use Snow's packages in my own work with Gambit. Thanks for putting things into context for me.
The Snow project is fairly dormant right now. I was hoping it would catch on with users, but after a short while it was clear that it would take a lot of work to convince people to contribute to Snow and make it evolve.
Seems a shame that all that effort is going to waste.
Well... who said Snow had ended? I'm sure it will live on in one form or another... for example it could be an important part of the Gambit module system.
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