I have made small changes to my strawman module system for Gambit to clean up the code, improve performance and allow multiple ##use in a body (I now use ##use instead of ##require). Take a look at the attachment.
Per: I checked out the module system you sent to the list (black hole?) and I'm unclear how it is meant to be used. There is no documentation and the 2 examples are really too simple to grasp the possibilities. I could read the code... but I feel it would be best if you gave a quick tour of how your system is supposed to be used. Do I understand correctly that it does not require a "module" special form to wrap the module or be put as a header?
An objective I have is to design the Gambit module system so that it can support several other module systems, such as black hole, Jazz, Chicken, Bigloo, PLT, etc. With this feature, a user could access in his code, libraries that come from different communities with their specific module conventions. That would be a great step forward for Gambit!