Extending the reader to handle square brackets is easy because the reader already has hooks to customize the reading of [...], {...}, <...>, and (...). Here's an example:
On 2013-02-20, at 10:58 AM, Jason Felice <jason.m.felice@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've had a couple ideas for modifications to the Scheme reader that I imagine would be front-ends to the compiler. Examples:
> 1. A front end which reads Scheme source but specially handles square braces, transforming them into Objective-C method calls via my library, so that I can put the following in a program:
> (let ((s [[NSString alloc] initWithCapacity:42]))
> ...)
> And have it dispatch non-dynamically (my current project is completely dynamic).
Gambit v4.6.7
> (include "~~lib/_gambit#.scm")
> '[NSString alloc]
(NSString alloc)
> (macro-readtable-bracket-keyword-set! ##main-readtable 'ObjC-send)
> '[NSString alloc]
[NSString alloc]
> (length '[NSString alloc])
> (car '[NSString alloc])
> (cadr '[NSString alloc])
> (caddr '[NSString alloc])
> (list->vector '[NSString alloc])
#(ObjC-send NSString alloc)
> (define-macro (ObjC-send receiver . args) `(pp 'objective-c-send...))
> [NSString alloc]
Another example, which treats [...] as a vector constructor is:
> (include "~~lib/_gambit#.scm")
> (macro-readtable-bracket-keyword-set! ##main-readtable 'vector)
> [1 2 3 4]
#(1 2 3 4)
This should be easy to do with macros.
> 2. A testing library where "check" forms appear under each function in the same file as documentation. The check forms normally expand to nothing, but a command can be run from the command line scans the current directory and sub-directories for .scm files which (check ...) forms in them and runs them.
When you transform the code you must preserve the location information that was generated by the reader.
> 3. A complete environment with support for a lot of SRFI's and utility functions built in - a new REPL/compiler which is specialized for some domain.
> Black hole appears to do something like this.
> My question is, how do I hook into Gambit to compile or interpret after I've transformed the code, preserving line numbers?
The interpreter and compiler invoke the reader in a special mode where each datum (and subdatum) that is read is wrapped in a structure which gives the location information. These structures are called "source" objects, and the ##make-source function is the constructor.
Here is an example. Say you have a file "foo.scm" with the content:
(define n 1)
(pp n)
The interpreter and compiler will read that source code using the ##read-all-as-a-begin-expr-from-path function, which calls Gambit's extended read function to read each expression and construct a begin expression:
> (vector-ref (##read-all-as-a-begin-expr-from-path
(lambda (re x) x)
(lambda (re x) x))
(##begin (define n 1) (pp n))
The last two parameters of ##read-all-as-a-begin-expr-from-path are the wrap and unwrap functions (whose first argument is the read-environment, which contains the reader's state including the port being read from and the current line/column location). By supplying the predefined ##wrap-datum and ##unwrap-datum functions, each datum (and subdatum) will be wrapped in a source object:
> (vector-ref (##read-all-as-a-begin-expr-from-path
(#(#(source1) ##begin "/Users/feeley/gambit/work/foo.scm" 0)
(#(#(source1) define "/Users/feeley/gambit/work/foo.scm" 65536)
#(#(source1) n "/Users/feeley/gambit/work/foo.scm" 524288)
#(#(source1) 1 "/Users/feeley/gambit/work/foo.scm" 655360))
(#(#(source1) pp "/Users/feeley/gambit/work/foo.scm" 65537)
#(#(source1) n "/Users/feeley/gambit/work/foo.scm" 262145))
The source objects are vectors with the special tag #(source1) as their first element, i.e. #(#(source1) <datum> <filename> <column*65536+line>) . Note that when <datum> is a list or vector, each of the elements is wrapped in a source object, and so on recursively. The datum can be extracted with ##source-code, and the location information with ##source-locat.
The interpreter and compiler can maintain this source location information when macros are defined with the ##define-syntax special form. The macro transformer function receives a source object with location information, and can return a source object with location information (the transformer can also return a non source object, which will get automatically wrapped with a source location object with the location of the macro call). Here's an example:
> (define (where source)
(##display-locat (##source-locat source) #f (repl-output-port))
> (##define-syntax foo (lambda (source) (pp source) (where source) #f))
> (foo 1 2)
(#(#(source1) foo (console) 65540)
#(#(source1) 1 (console) 327684)
#(#(source1) 2 (console) 458756))