The structure “setup_params” contains parameters for the runtime system (e.g. the system version number, the size of the heap, the default character encoding for I/O, the debugging level). And it also contains the program’s “linker”, a function which represents the set of Scheme modules that are part of the program.
A call to ___setup_params_reset will give default values to all the parameters in setup_params. Then the parameters in setup_params that don’t have a default value are set explicitly with assignments (here the “version” and the “linker”).
The call to ___setup is what starts the execution of the Scheme code. It uses the parameters in setup_params to allocate the heap, the stack, the symbol table, etc. Then it executes sequentially each module of the program. When ___setup returns, the Scheme code is finished executing. Note that it is still possible after that to call Scheme functions defined with c-define. Finally a call to ___cleanup reclaims the heap and other resources that were allocated by ___setup.
> _______________________________________________
> On Nov 13, 2015, at 9:48 AM, Vijay Mathew <> wrote:
> I found this code in examples/pthread/pthread.c:
> ___setup_params_struct setup_params;
> ___setup_params_reset (&setup_params);
> setup_params.version = ___VERSION;
> setup_params.linker = SCHEME_LIBRARY_LINKER;
> ___setup (&setup_params);
> What does ___setup_params_reset and ___setup do?
> Thanks,
> --Vijay
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