This works :)

 38 (define (get-fullscreen-modes)
 39   (define get-fullscreen-modes*
 40     (c-lambda () sfml:Vector<VideoMode>*
 41       "___result_voidstar = new std::vector<sf::VideoMode>(sf::VideoMode::getFullscreenModes());"))
 42   (define vector-video-mode-length
 43     (c-lambda (sfml:Vector<VideoMode>*) size_t
 44       "___result = ___arg1->size();"))
 45   (define vector-video-mode-ref
 46     (c-lambda (sfml:Vector<VideoMode>* size_t) sfml:VideoMode*
 47       "___result_voidstar = new sf::VideoMode(___arg1->at(___arg2));"))
 49   (let* ((modes  (get-fullscreen-modes*))
 50          (size   (vector-video-mode-length modes))
 51          (result (make-vector size)))
 52     (let loop ((i 0))
 53       (cond
 54         ((< i size)
 55             (vector-set! result i (vector-video-mode-ref modes i))
 56             (loop (+ i 1)))
 57         (else
 58             result)))))

Is it also possible to accomplish the same directly from a c-lambda that returns a scheme-object?

Am 16.08.2013 09:54, schrieb Mikael:
Perhaps make a c-define-type for std::vector<VideoMode>* that you return the return value of .getFullscreenModes() as, and then make a -length and -ref procedure for this type.

Remember that for c-define-type :s that do not have a release procedure specified, there is *no* deallocation (such as free() etc.) invoked at their scheme-world GC.

2013/8/16 Chris Mueller <>

i'm currently coding a gambit binding for sfml and could need some
adivces for a specific ffi problem from you.

Assume we have a class VideoMode with the following constructor:

class VideoMode {
   VideoMode(int width, int height, int bbp);
   # ...

I have defined an interface to scheme with:

;; Release hook is ignored for this example
(c-define-type VideoMode* (pointer "VideoMode"))

;; Scheme's construction wrapper for VideoMode
(define video-mode
   (c-lambda (int int int) VideoMode* "___result_voidstar = new
VideoMode(___arg1, ___arg2, ___arg3);"))

Now assume a function that retrieves all supporting video-modes in C++:

std::vector<VideoMode> getFullscreenModes();

I would like to write now a scheme-function (with c-lambda) that
iterators through all elements from this std::vector
and constructs/returns a scheme-vector with foreign-objects of type
(pointer "VideoMode").

How does the c-lambda code look like for this small issue? (Or how would
you cope this problem alternatively?)


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