Hi Hendrick,

I've used scml->xml with Blackhole and got normal xml output. How are you using it?


Álvaro Castro

On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Hendrik Boom <hendrik@topoi.pooq.com> wrote:
Well I got Blackhole to work though I'll still be posting a few
suggestions and questions later.  I used it to import and use sxml>>xml

It gives me output like

    >P5There seems to be nothing to say. <S />After a while he stammers,
"Oh, I'm sorry," to fill the silence.</P

instead of the more conventional

    P5There seems to be nothing to say. <S/>After a while he stammers,
"Oh, I'm sorry," to fill the silence.</P>

Is there a technical reason to have the '>' after the newline and the
indentation layout instead of before them?  Or is this just the way it
happened to get coded?

(Don't worry about the P5There and such -- my application put them there
by mistake and I'll be dealing with them myself)

-- hendrik

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