I successfully compiled and tested usquish on linux and android. The only minimal problem I had was I didn't know I needed a 32 bit compiler. So on my linux box (archlinux 64bits) I installed multilib-dev for 32 bit support. Also I changed the PROFILE file to point to where I installed android-sdk and android-ndk.
I am able to understand by now 90% of usquish code. That is nice, considering that there was no documentation on the app, and I am kind of a new guy on scheme. It means the framework must be really easy to code/read. I really liked the way the modules are written. Very very clean code. I didn't notice gambit compiler annotations (for optimization). I can't tell if they are necessary, as usquish runs pretty fast on my cheap LG android phone.
Android supports arm, mips and x86. Please correct me if I am wrong, but lambdanative only supports arm. If that is true, maybe I could give my two cents:
this small script can build libgambit.a without any errors for arm, mips and x86. I tested with a small hello world app that I ll soon post to github.
To port that for lambdanative there could be 3 directories on lambdanative-cache/android/lib/
for example:
with each libgambit.a for each architecture on its own directory. Of course, there is need to change Android.mk so it finds the approprieate file for each archicteture. I guess gambit library is not the only library or module that needs refactoring to make this work, but I am still investigating that.
Anyway, I am happy to know about lambdanative.