The following tables contain the execution time of the Gambit benchmarks on various implementations of Scheme. For a given benchmark, the entry in green indicates which Scheme system has the fastest execution and the number given is the time in milliseconds. Other entries give the execution time relative to the green entry. Blank entries indicate that this benchmark was not executed (possibly because the system did not accept to compile the program).

The first table gives CPU time and the second gives real time.

CPU time

Program        Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe-:m1 Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe-:m10000
succeed 0 0 0
fail failed failed failed
browse 1.05 1.10 2159
cpstak 1039 2.29 1.20
ctak 1.01 896 1.02
dderiv 1141 2.22 1.13
deriv 902 2.48 1.35
destruc 725 1.35 1.09
diviter 839 2.77 1.49
divrec 1001 2.49 1.41
puzzle 1.00 389 1.01
takl 1.00 590 1.01
trav1 1.18 1.19 367
trav2 1.03 520 1.14
triangl 1.00 784 784
fft 211 2.14 1.09
fib 615 1.00 615
fibfp 679 2.24 1.14
mbrot 477 3.79 1.54
nucleic 1.05 1.28 170
pnpoly 1.01 1.02 211
sum 140 140 140
sumfp 1891 2.85 1.71
tak 741 1.00 1.00
tfib 1.17 1.17 1056
ack 509 1.00 1.00
array1 1.04 1.07 284
cat 822 1.00 1.00
string 712 1.01 1.31
sum1 1.01 1.11 966
sumloop 2515 1.00 2515
tail 1.02 1.02 742
wc 377 1.00 1.01
conform 1.03 1.08 695
dynamic 1.33 1.34 541
earley 1.36 1.28 650
fibc 592 1.07 1.07
graphs 1.02 1.82 903
lattice 1574 1.03 1.01
matrix 886 1.53 1.10
maze 465 1.55 1.05
mazefun 607 1.44 1.02
nqueens 700 1.40 1.02
paraffins 1.51 1.51 2258
peval 1.02 1.39 598
pi 599 1.30 1.01
primes 1204 1.53 1.04
ray 149 1.60 149
scheme 1137 1.16 1.05
simplex 323 1.53 1.05
slatex 646 1.11 1.13
perm9 871 1.08 1.01
nboyer 1.57 1.44 1067
sboyer 1.05 1.11 794
gcbench 1.01 1927 1.02

Real time

Program        Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe-:m1 Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe-:m10000
succeed 0 0 0
fail failed failed failed
browse 1.05 1.11 2160
cpstak 1040 2.29 1.20
ctak 1.01 896 1.02
dderiv 1141 2.22 1.13
deriv 902 2.48 1.35
destruc 726 1.35 1.15
diviter 840 2.77 1.49
divrec 1001 2.49 1.42
puzzle 1.00 389 1.07
takl 1.00 590 1.01
trav1 1.18 1.19 367
trav2 1.03 520 1.14
triangl 1.00 784 784
fft 211 2.15 1.09
fib 1.00 1.00 615
fibfp 679 2.24 1.14
mbrot 477 3.79 1.54
nucleic 1.05 1.28 170
pnpoly 1.01 1.02 211
sum 140 140 140
sumfp 1894 2.85 1.71
tak 741 1.00 1.00
tfib 1.17 1.17 1057
ack 509 1.00 1.00
array1 1.04 1.07 284
cat 1.06 843 1.05
string 712 1.01 1.31
sum1 1.01 1.13 966
sumloop 1.00 1.00 2515
tail 1.02 1.02 804
wc 377 1.01 1.01
conform 713 1.06 1.02
dynamic 1.33 1.34 542
earley 1.35 1.28 652
fibc 592 1.07 1.11
graphs 1.02 1.82 905
lattice 1575 1.03 1.03
matrix 886 1.53 1.29
maze 465 1.55 1.09
mazefun 608 1.44 1.04
nqueens 702 1.39 1.13
paraffins 1.50 1.51 2264
peval 1.02 1.39 600
pi 599 1.31 1.01
primes 1207 1.53 1.04
ray 152 1.59 1.01
scheme 1137 1.16 1.05
simplex 323 1.54 1.07
slatex 1.19 1112 2.21
perm9 878 1.08 1.00
nboyer 1.58 1.44 1068
sboyer 1.05 1.11 794
gcbench 1.01 1928 1.02