The following tables contain the execution time of the Gambit benchmarks on various implementations of Scheme. For a given benchmark, the entry in green indicates which Scheme system has the fastest execution and the number given is the time in milliseconds. Other entries give the execution time relative to the green entry. Blank entries indicate that this benchmark was not executed (possibly because the system did not accept to compile the program).

The first table gives CPU time and the second gives real time.

CPU time

Program        Gambit-C-Clang-r6rs-fixflo Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo
succeed 0 0
fail failed failed
crash crashed crashed
browse 2.26 1657
cpstak 1.18 525
ctak 2.63 639
dderiv 1.27 648
deriv 1.44 449
destruc 1.18 631
diviter 1.10 460
divrec 1.25 611
puzzle 1.42 570
takl 1.01 584
trav1 1.00 481
trav2 1.44 852
triangl 950 1.01
fft 363 1.12
fib 1019 1.13
fibfp 668 1.04
mbrot 1.02 539
nucleic 1.34 360
pnpoly 518 1.07
sum 1.34 285
sumfp 1.03 1452
tak 1.07 669
tfib 2.00 683
ack 1.00 320
array1 1.67 209
cat 10.39 522
string 1.01 433
sum1 3.55 638
sumloop 1.00 3017
tail 7.47 391
wc 11.97 227
conform 1.29 549
dynamic 5.56 376
earley 2.28 450
fibc 2.98 502
graphs 1.47 661
lattice 1.18 1451
matrix 1.59 769
maze 1.24 458
mazefun 1.45 608
nqueens 1.01 794
paraffins 1.19 959
peval 1.44 528
pi 1.49 406
primes 1.05 924
ray 1.51 336
scheme 1.31 807
simplex 1.12 493
slatex 4.90 501
perm9 1.07 522
nboyer 698 1.03
sboyer 561 1.11
gcbench 2.22 1372

Real time

Program        Gambit-C-Clang-r6rs-fixflo Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo
succeed 0 0
fail failed failed
crash crashed crashed
browse 2.26 1657
cpstak 1.18 525
ctak 2.63 639
dderiv 1.27 648
deriv 1.44 449
destruc 1.18 630
diviter 1.10 460
divrec 1.25 611
puzzle 1.42 569
takl 1.01 584
trav1 1.00 481
trav2 1.44 852
triangl 950 1.01
fft 363 1.12
fib 1019 1.13
fibfp 668 1.04
mbrot 1.02 538
nucleic 1.34 360
pnpoly 517 1.07
sum 1.34 285
sumfp 1.03 1453
tak 1.07 669
tfib 2.00 683
ack 321 321
array1 1.67 209
cat 10.41 521
string 1.01 433
sum1 3.56 638
sumloop 1.00 3018
tail 7.49 390
wc 11.97 227
conform 1.29 549
dynamic 5.57 375
earley 2.29 450
fibc 2.98 502
graphs 1.47 663
lattice 1.18 1450
matrix 1.60 768
maze 1.24 458
mazefun 1.45 608
nqueens 1.01 794
paraffins 1.19 959
peval 1.44 528
pi 1.49 406
primes 1.05 925
ray 1.51 338
scheme 1.31 806
simplex 1.12 493
slatex 4.82 514
perm9 1.07 522
nboyer 697 1.03
sboyer 561 1.11
gcbench 2.21 1373