The following tables contain the execution time of the Gambit benchmarks on various implementations of Scheme. For a given benchmark, the entry in green indicates which Scheme system has the fastest execution and the number given is the time in milliseconds. Other entries give the execution time relative to the green entry. Blank entries indicate that this benchmark was not executed (possibly because the system did not accept to compile the program).

The first table gives CPU time and the second gives real time.

CPU time

Program        Gambit-C-Clang-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe
succeed 0 0
fail failed failed
browse 1.90 1305
cpstak 1.22 463
ctak 2.89 646
dderiv 1.28 547
deriv 1.24 466
destruc 1.33 449
diviter 1.06 450
divrec 1.25 577
puzzle 1.10 196
takl 1.52 302
trav1 1.06 233
trav2 817 1.01
triangl 1.10 465
fft 1.04 116
fib 1.07 426
fibfp 1.32 312
mbrot 1.10 236
nucleic 1.04 98
pnpoly 99 1.01
sum 96 1.21
sumfp 1.03 1093
tak 1.33 429
tfib 1.99 696
ack 1.05 216
array1 1.22 81
cat 10.37 525
string 1.06 412
sum1 3.66 630
sumloop 2402 1.05
tail 7.93 389
wc 12.27 224
conform 1.28 455
dynamic 4.20 291
earley 1.65 320
fibc 2.83 455
graphs 1.37 485
lattice 1.14 952
matrix 1.51 576
maze 1.25 242
mazefun 1.58 402
nqueens 1.62 431
paraffins 1.17 946
peval 1.29 431
pi 1.53 411
primes 1.25 704
ray 2.24 113
scheme 1.45 639
simplex 1.38 177
slatex 3.39 462
perm9 1.17 452
nboyer 1.19 478
sboyer 1.14 397
gcbench 1.91 1254

Real time

Program        Gambit-C-Clang-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe
succeed 0 0
fail failed failed
browse 1.90 1305
cpstak 1.22 463
ctak 2.90 645
dderiv 1.28 547
deriv 1.24 466
destruc 1.33 449
diviter 1.06 450
divrec 1.26 576
puzzle 1.11 196
takl 1.52 302
trav1 1.06 233
trav2 817 1.01
triangl 1.10 465
fft 1.04 116
fib 1.07 426
fibfp 1.32 312
mbrot 1.09 236
nucleic 1.04 98
pnpoly 99 1.01
sum 96 1.20
sumfp 1.03 1093
tak 1.33 429
tfib 1.99 696
ack 1.05 216
array1 1.22 81
cat 10.37 525
string 1.06 411
sum1 3.66 630
sumloop 2402 1.05
tail 7.93 389
wc 12.33 223
conform 1.28 455
dynamic 4.20 291
earley 1.66 319
fibc 2.83 455
graphs 1.37 485
lattice 1.14 952
matrix 1.52 575
maze 1.25 242
mazefun 1.58 402
nqueens 1.62 430
paraffins 1.17 946
peval 1.29 431
pi 1.53 411
primes 1.25 705
ray 2.23 114
scheme 1.45 639
simplex 1.38 177
slatex 3.35 474
perm9 1.17 452
nboyer 1.19 479
sboyer 1.14 398
gcbench 1.91 1254