The following tables contain the execution time of the Gambit benchmarks on various implementations of Scheme. For a given benchmark, the entry in green indicates which Scheme system has the fastest execution and the number given is the time in milliseconds. Other entries give the execution time relative to the green entry. Blank entries indicate that this benchmark was not executed (possibly because the system did not accept to compile the program).

The first table gives CPU time and the second gives real time.

CPU time

Program        Gambit-C-Clang-r5rs Gambit-C-r5rs
succeed 0 0
fail failed failed
crash crashed crashed
browse 2.49 2127
cpstak 1.10 667
ctak 2.53 681
dderiv 1236 1.08
deriv 1.09 792
destruc 1.39 708
diviter 1.10 560
divrec 1003 1.15
puzzle 1.13 811
takl 1616 1.14
trav1 765 1.10
trav2 1.03 1645
triangl 1.24 1276
fft 1.00 503
fib 1740 1.06
fibfp 1.03 868
mbrot 636 1.11
nucleic 1.07 1129
pnpoly 594 1.12
sum 1052 1.01
sumfp 1.03 1662
tak 1320 1.37
tfib 1.91 712
ack 1.14 918
array1 1.15 310
cat 10.71 568
string 1.04 421
sum1 3.90 620
sumloop 5874 1.02
tail 7.58 412
wc 10.95 262
conform 1.15 1273
dynamic 7.38 429
earley 2.53 567
fibc 1.92 803
graphs 1.33 872
lattice 1.11 1688
matrix 1.63 939
maze 2.16 1321
mazefun 1.26 1097
nqueens 1.16 1098
paraffins 1.29 980
peval 1.15 1007
pi 2.06 408
primes 1.08 1145
ray 1.51 784
scheme 1.33 1059
simplex 1.45 967
slatex 4.89 566
perm9 1.09 614
nboyer 883 1.01
sboyer 1.01 863
gcbench 2.29 1401

Real time

Program        Gambit-C-Clang-r5rs Gambit-C-r5rs
succeed 0 0
fail failed failed
crash crashed crashed
browse 2.49 2127
cpstak 1.10 667
ctak 2.52 682
dderiv 1236 1.08
deriv 1.09 792
destruc 1.39 708
diviter 1.10 560
divrec 1003 1.15
puzzle 1.13 811
takl 1616 1.14
trav1 765 1.10
trav2 1.03 1644
triangl 1.24 1276
fft 1.01 503
fib 1739 1.06
fibfp 1.03 867
mbrot 636 1.11
nucleic 1.07 1129
pnpoly 594 1.12
sum 1053 1.01
sumfp 1.03 1662
tak 1319 1.37
tfib 1.91 712
ack 1.15 917
array1 1.16 309
cat 10.75 568
string 1.04 421
sum1 3.91 620
sumloop 5876 1.02
tail 7.58 412
wc 10.91 263
conform 1.14 1274
dynamic 7.38 429
earley 2.53 567
fibc 1.92 803
graphs 1.33 872
lattice 1.11 1688
matrix 1.63 939
maze 2.16 1321
mazefun 1.26 1098
nqueens 1.16 1097
paraffins 1.29 980
peval 1.15 1006
pi 2.07 407
primes 1.08 1144
ray 1.51 785
scheme 1.33 1058
simplex 1.45 967
slatex 2.90 963
perm9 1.09 614
nboyer 883 1.01
sboyer 1.01 863
gcbench 2.29 1401