> Like, -:eN (e as in "escape" and "N" as in "nothing", meaning #\U0010ffff).
Would be really convenient but I can also put the configuration into my
gambcini file.
> Atticus, you're forgetting that the "external representation" discussed
> here regards only the escaping applied in the serialization of objects.
I dont know if I understand that correctly. I assumed we are discussing
this change:
with t8 or f8, before:
(write "ü") -> "\374"
(read port) -> "ü"
with t8 or f8 after change:
(write "ü") -> "ü"
(read port) -> "ü"
This [escaping of all >=128 chars] allows Scheme strings that are printed to be processed by external tools which only support ASCII. For example, if you pretty-print to a file a function that contains the string "ü" you will end up with a file containing the sequence of 6 characters "\374" which any editor can edit. In other words, it makes minimal requirements on the features of external tools (not just editors, but email clients if you want to email some Scheme code, shell utilities, C compilers, other Scheme systems, etc).