Hi Jason,

2012/12/26 Jason Felice <jason.m.felice@gmail.com>
I'm putting together an Objective-C bridge for gambit here:  https://github.com/eraserhd/gambit-objc.git  It's not complete, but the idea is to have a form which can call Objective-C methods using keyword-syntax from gambit.  Eventually, it'll support subclassing Objective-C classes.


Just to make it clear to someone who is not so introduced into Objective C such as what facilities for dynamic invocations and alike it has: What is the scope of your bridge, in a bit more detail?

For instance, with your bridge, could a user dynamically create, access and invoke methods of object instances of NSApplication, NSWindow, NSView etc. and perhaps even overload methods in them?

Any neat facility for ObjC to Scheme callbacks?
As to how to show a Window on Mac OS X - I'm not sure about that one.  I've only done iOS development.  You'll probably need to subclass some kind of view controller (subclassing is not _yet_ supported by gambit-objc), override loadView (or whatever it is on Mac OS) to build a view hierarchy, since you probably don't want to build the UI with interface builder, which is part of Xcode, then other stuff I don't know.

Mm, http://www.cocoawithlove.com/2010/09/minimalist-cocoa-programming.html explains how to do ObjC-Cocoa stuff without XCode.
Maybe find a simple Mac project on github that you can use for reference?



On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Mikael <mikael.rcv@gmail.com> wrote:

Any hints on how to make a supersimple Mac OS X 64bit Cocoa app without XCode but directly from gsc in the console, like, opening a window and registering keystrokes in it?

This would be both regarding the sourcecode to implement it and the cc-options: for making compile-file deliver for it.

For cc-options I guess "-x objective-c" as pointed out by Alex is sufficient.


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