Hi Daniel,

I'm glad you found the http://schemespheres.org project interesting. It's been used by four student teams to build little Android games with Gambit, and even though I couldn't work on it for the last 3 months, I plan to keep working on it. My intention is to make it easy to build real multiplatform applications by providing a compilation of selected modules (some I built, some are compatibly licensed by the community MIT, BSD or similar).

As soon as a simple and flexible module system is built for Gambit, it will be built using it (unfortunately Blackhole didn't make it easy to handle C files and cross-compilation, which has been long discussed here). At the moment, it uses a set of scripts for managing compilation and macro expansions is just a two-step process involving syntax-rules (through Alexpander) and then define-macro as natively supported by Gambit.

Many things to improve, and happy to bring collaborators in.


        Álvaro Castro-Castilla    --    a@fourthbit.com
Dedicated to the Craft of Software: Turning Ideas into Reality

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:54 PM, tcl super dude <tcleval@gmail.com> wrote:
I added a small bash script on github

to help on the compilation of gambit for android. Using gambit 4.7.0 there are no errors, and it does compile to x86, arm and mips, creating a directory for each of the architectures.
I tested using the emulator and it worked for all architectures.

I loved alvatar's scheme sphere project on github. Maybe I could help a little, coz I am (when time is on my side) developing an app using gambit on android.

Anyway, I'll be making that script better, it is a mess now. Maybe it should have some command line arguments to tell what version to compile, what optimizations to use or maybe download gambit source if not available in current directory. 

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