The following tables contain the execution time of the Gambit benchmarks on various implementations of Scheme. For a given benchmark, the entry in green indicates which Scheme system has the fastest execution and the number given is the time in milliseconds. Other entries give the execution time relative to the green entry. Blank entries indicate that this benchmark was not executed (possibly because the system did not accept to compile the program).

The first table gives CPU time and the second gives real time.

CPU time

Program        Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe-m1 Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe-m10000
succeed 0 0 0
fail failed failed failed
browse 1.02 1.03 2740
cpstak 1.34 4.02 672
ctak 1.35 1.41 760
dderiv 1.13 3.09 972
deriv 1.06 3.35 800
destruc 1.18 1.91 576
diviter 688 4.07 1.02
divrec 1.33 4.52 660
puzzle 1.02 392 1.05
takl 632 632 632
trav1 1.26 1.26 380
trav2 1.30 872 1.30
triangl 780 780 780
fft 1.02 2.59 204
fib 620 620 620
fibfp 660 2.75 1.07
mbrot 412 5.24 1.28
nucleic 228 1.32 1.09
pnpoly 1.32 160 1.38
sum 1.06 128 1.09
sumfp 1492 4.34 1.13
tak 1.27 588 1.28
tfib 1252 1.09 1.08
ack 1.42 388 1.42
array1 1.71 192 1.04
cat 1.07 880 1.06
string 1.12 1.38 960
sum1 1.01 1.09 1160
sumloop 2280 2280 2280
tail 1.64 548 1.63
wc 1.02 452 1.02
conform 820 1.06 820
dynamic 1.25 1.35 652
earley 600 1.77 1.27
fibc 772 1.05 1.35
graphs 1.03 1.94 968
lattice 1964 1.03 1.01
matrix 948 1.68 1.05
maze 480 1.71 1.04
mazefun 692 1.53 1.30
nqueens 1.03 1.50 760
paraffins 1500 1.63 1.08
peval 1.04 1.39 740
pi 1.10 1.37 684
primes 1092 1.84 1.01
ray 208 1.54 1.10
scheme 1328 1.12 1.02
simplex 240 2.42 1.50
slatex 568 1.06 1.08
perm9 880 1.10 1.03
nboyer 1.27 1.70 1120
sboyer 900 1.12 1.03
gcbench 1988 1.11 1.02

Real time

Program        Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe-m1 Gambit-C-r6rs-fixflo-unsafe-m10000
succeed 0 0 0
fail failed failed failed
browse 1.02 1.03 2736
cpstak 1.34 4.01 674
ctak 1.35 1.40 767
dderiv 1.13 3.09 975
deriv 1.06 3.34 803
destruc 1.19 1.90 579
diviter 690 4.06 1.01
divrec 1.32 4.46 667
puzzle 1.02 393 1.04
takl 1.01 1.00 632
trav1 1.26 1.27 382
trav2 1.29 878 1.28
triangl 778 1.01 1.00
fft 1.02 2.53 210
fib 1.00 1.00 620
fibfp 657 2.76 1.08
mbrot 412 5.26 1.29
nucleic 233 1.29 1.05
pnpoly 1.34 163 1.35
sum 134 1.01 1.02
sumfp 1491 4.34 1.13
tak 1.26 597 1.26
tfib 1252 1.08 1.07
ack 1.39 396 1.39
array1 1.74 189 1.06
cat 1.06 889 1.06
string 1.12 1.38 963
sum1 1.01 1.09 1160
sumloop 1.00 1.00 2279
tail 1.63 550 1.63
wc 1.01 453 1.01
conform 817 1.06 1.00
dynamic 1.24 1.37 647
earley 604 1.75 1.26
fibc 766 1.06 1.36
graphs 1.02 1.93 977
lattice 1980 1.02 1.00
matrix 947 1.67 1.05
maze 483 1.71 1.03
mazefun 695 1.52 1.30
nqueens 1.02 1.51 760
paraffins 1499 1.63 1.08
peval 1.04 1.40 736
pi 1.08 1.36 693
primes 1088 1.84 1.01
ray 212 1.53 1.09
scheme 1330 1.13 1.02
simplex 245 2.37 1.46
slatex 571 1.11 1.11
perm9 876 1.10 1.04
nboyer 1.27 1.70 1122
sboyer 902 1.12 1.03
gcbench 1993 1.11 1.03