High RAM use is not BH-specific, some GCC versions hog enormous amounts of memory (75GB etc.) for simple-enough Gambit files, ensure you have the right version, this was discussed in a previous ml post.
Note that BH's git repo are in two branches, the legacy branch which is the non-syntactictower version - this version has been tested over a big amount of time and found to work great and is probably stabler than the syntactictower version (below), though has approx two issues in macro expansion that you need to keep in the back of your head while working wtih it - and the master branch which is the the 'syntactictower' version, its macro expansion ought to be clean and it has a package handling mechanism, though is not so tested.
The non-syntactictower version requires one instance of the module while the syntactictower version internally makes four per module.
Kind regards,
Den 24 april 2012 10:32 skrev Adrien Piérard <pierarda@iro.umontreal.ca>:

I remember that I had tried too, a year or so ago, and failed to
compile blackhole too on a FreeBSD/amd64 machine.

I haven't had time to investigate further, though, nor do I have the
time now, unfortunately.
I hope someone will help you in the meantime.



2012/4/24 Cyrille Duret <cduret@gmail.com>:
> hello,
> I recently tried to compile black hole on a freeBSD amd64 system and could
> not compile the huge C file of 6.5M :
>    my gcc compiler hang up after eating all my memory namely 2G of RAM + 10G
> of swap !
> My question is : How much memory do I need to compile this huge file ?
> thanks a lot
> cyrille
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