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                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                               WGP 2014

            10th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming
                          Gothenburg, Sweden
                        Sunday, August 31, 2014


                          Co-located with the
    International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2014)

Goals of the workshop

Generic programming is about making programs more adaptable by making
them more general. Generic programs often embody non-traditional kinds
of polymorphism; ordinary programs are obtained from them by suitably
instantiating their parameters. In contrast with normal programs, the
parameters of a generic program are often quite rich in structure; for
example they may be other programs, types or type constructors, class
hierarchies, or even programming paradigms.

Generic programming techniques have always been of interest, both to
practitioners and to theoreticians, and, for at least 20 years,
generic programming techniques have been a specific focus of research
in the functional and object-oriented programming communities. Generic
programming has gradually spread to more and more mainstream
languages, and today is widely used in industry. This workshop brings
together leading researchers and practitioners in generic programming
from around the world, and features papers capturing the state of the
art in this important area.

We welcome contributions on all aspects, theoretical as well as
practical, of

    * generic programming,
    * programming with (C++) concepts,
    * meta-programming,
    * programming with type classes,
    * programming with modules,
    * programming with dependent types,
    * type systems for generic programming,
    * polytypic programming,
    * adaptive object-oriented programming,
    * component-based programming,
    * strategic programming,
    * aspect-oriented programming,
    * family polymorphism,
    * object-oriented generic programming,
    * implementation of generic programming languages,
    * static and dynamic analyses of generic programs,
    * and so on.

Program Committee

José Pedro Magalhăes (co-chair), University of Oxford
Tiark Rompf (co-chair), Oracle Labs & EPFL
Peter Achten, Radboud University Nijmegen
Nada Amin, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Pierre-Évariste Dagand, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen
Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University
Miles Sabin, Underscore Consulting LLP, Chuusai Ltd.
Alexander Slesarenko, Huawei Labs & Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (KIAM)
Anthony M. Sloane, Macquarie University
Wouter Swierstra, Utrecht University
Meng Wang, Chalmers University of Technology

Proceedings and Copyright

We plan to have formal proceedings, published by the ACM.  Authors must
transfer copyright to ACM upon acceptance (for government work, to the
extent transferable), but retain various rights
encouraged to publish auxiliary material with their paper (source code,
test data, etc.); they retain copyright of auxiliary material.

Submission details

Deadline for submission:        Sunday     2014-05-11
Notification of acceptance:     Friday     2014-06-06
Final submission due:           Wednesday  2014-06-18
Workshop:                       Sunday     2014-08-31

Submitted papers should fall into one of two categories:

 * Regular research papers (12 pages)
 * Short papers: case studies, tool demos, generic pearls (6 pages)

Regular research papers are expected to present novel and interesting
research results. Short papers need not present novel or fully polished
results. Good candidates for short papers are those that report on 
interesting case studies of generic programming in open source or 
industry, present demos of generic programming tools or libraries, 
or discuss elegant and illustrative uses of generic programming ('pearls').

All submissions should be in portable document format (PDF), formatted
using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines (two-column, 9pt). Regular 
research papers must not exceed 12 pages. Short papers must not exceed 
6 pages. If applicable, papers should be marked with one of the labels
'case study, 'tool demo' or 'generic pearl' in the title at the time 
of submission.

Papers should be submitted via EasyChair at

Travel Support

Student attendees with accepted papers can apply for a SIGPLAN PAC grant
to help cover travel expenses. PAC also offers other support, such as
for child-care expenses during the meeting or for travel costs for
companions of SIGPLAN members with physical disabilities, as well as for
travel from locations outside of North America and Europe. For details
on the PAC program, see its web page (http://www.sigplan.org/PAC.htm).

History of the Workshop on Generic Programming

Earlier Workshops on Generic Programming have been held in

  * Boston, Massachusetts, US 2013 (affiliated with ICFP13),
  * Copenhagen, Denmark 2012 (affiliated with ICFP12),
  * Tokyo, Japan 2011 (affiliated with ICFP11),
  * Baltimore, Maryland, US 2010 (affiliated with ICFP10),
  * Edinburgh, UK 2009 (affiliated with ICFP09),
  * Victoria, BC, Canada 2008 (affiliated with ICFP),
  * Portland 2006 (affiliated with ICFP),
  * Ponte de Lima 2000 (affiliated with MPC),
  * Marstrand 1998 (affiliated with MPC).

Furthermore, there were a few informal workshops

  * Utrecht 2005 (informal workshop),
  * Dagstuhl 2002 (IFIP WG2.1 Working Conference),
  * Nottingham 2001 (informal workshop).

There were also (closely related) DGP workshops in Oxford (June
3-4 2004), and a Spring School on DGP in Nottingham (April 24-27
2006, which had a half-day workshop attached).

WGP Steering Committee

Shin-Cheng Mu (chair)
Jaako Järvi
Andres Löh
Ronald Garcia
Jacques Carette
Jeremiah Willcock
Tim Sheard
Stephanie Weirich
Tarmo Uustalu