2011/8/19 Vijay Mathew
I am trying to generate an executable from a Scheme file:
;; hello.ss
(display "hello world")
On Ubuntu Linux (11.4, 32bit) with Gambit v4.2, I tried the following command:
$ gsc -o hello -exe hello.ss
It failed with a warning "misplaced option -exe".
4.2 = too old, upgrade.
On Windows 7 (64bit) with Gambit v4.6.1, I get the following error:
$ gsc -o hello.exe -exe hello.ss
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
*** ERROR IN ##for-each -- No such file or directory
(delete-file "C:\\Users\\VMathew\\Desktop\\hello.o")
Uh. Check what C compiler Gambit is set up to use, if you're using Mingw Gambit it might be wanting to use MSVC?
Furthermore, ensure you have the appropriate filesystem privileges, maybe run Gambit (so, cmd) as administrator and try out. When you got it working, let the ML know how you solved it.
On both machines the gcc compiler is installed and is working properly.
I am following the directions at
What could be going wrong?
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