Uh this is funny:
(open-output-file '(|path:| "test.flog" |create:| maybe |append:| #t))
look there, there's
|:s around the keywords. This means they're *not* actually keywords but *symbols* that kind of look like keywords.
I suppose this is the cause of the error you encountered.
Tried to reproduce your error on 4.6.2:
$ cat a.scm
(write (cons abcde: 123))
$ gsi a.scm
(abcde: . 123)$ gsc -exe a.scm
I.e. does not reproduce your results. Not one character of the involved Gambit code ought to have been changed in the current version since 4.6.2.
Do you compile this code just with gsc filename.scm or (compile-file "filename.scm") or do you have some preprocessor on it?
Do you see any other reasons for why this occured?
2012/6/10 David Rush
With Gambit 4.6.6, I am seeing decidedly different behavior for
open-output-file between code compiled with gsc/gcc to run as a
standalone executable and that same code compiled with gsc to run
under gsi. The source code follows the body of the message, but the
error from the standalone run tells the whole story, really.
drr@dibbuk$ make target=gambit test/bug.gambit
gsc -:s -link test/bug.Gambit
gcc -I/home/drr/include test/bug.c test/bug_.c -o test/bug.gambit \
-L/home/drr/lib -lgambc -lm -lutil -ldl
drr@dibbuk$ test/bug.gambit
*** ERROR IN flog-file -- (Argument 1) STRING or port settings expected
(open-output-file '(|path:| "test.flog" |create:| maybe |append:| #t))
drr@dibbuk$ gsc test/bug.Gambit
drr@dibbuk$ gsi
Gambit v4.6.6
> (load "test/bug")
> (main (vector "this is a test"))
> (exit)
drr@dibbuk$ cat test.flog
this is a test
this is a test
Now the repeated lines in test.flog are expected from the gsi case
because the code is effectively run twice, once upon load and once
manually (as will be seen from the source below). So what is going on
with the standalone execution? I am very puzzled.
the source code for bug.Gambit. This is the output of a preprocessor,
so it looks a little strange, but it is really very straightforward.
(define _cons_23 cons)
(define *flog-use-current-output-port* #f)
(define *flog-use-current-error-port* #f)
(_file-name_38 _s_39)
(begin (display _s_39 _f_40)
(newline _f_40)
(if *flog-use-current-output-port*
(display _s_39 (current-output-port)))
(if *flog-use-current-error-port*
(display _s_39 (current-error-port)))
(close-output-port _f_40)))
(quote path:)
(quote (create: maybe append: #t))))))))
(flog-file "test.flog" "this is a test")
(main (command-line))
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